By the middle of the last century the agricultural production in Serbia was gradually passing from an extensive way to the intensive way of production. It was especially ex-
pressed in cattle breeding by changing the race and increasing the number of cattle. Pri-
mitive races of domestic cattle are replaced by the cattle of a purer breed.
This new breed structure enables an intensive production which points out to the need
toward a more serious keeping up with the condition of the cattle especially with contagi-
ous diseases.
For that reason the government of the People`s Republic of Serbia brought the Regula-
tions on the foundation of veterinary diagnostic stations in six towns of Serbia on
22.03.1952. ("Official Gazette" no. 11).
One of the towns was Pozarevac.
On the basis of the mentioned Regulations a department of the diagnostics for contagi-
ous and parasitic diseases was formed as a part of the livestock-veterinary station in 1953.
A year later it turned into an independent diagnostic station.
After ten years of its independent work, it joined to the Centre for the development of
agriculture Pozarevac in 1964 working together until 1969. That year the diagnostics sta-
tion integrated with the Veterinary institute - Belgrade and remained in that integration
until 1988.
After separating from the Veterinary institute-Belgrade, it works as an independent in
stitution under the name the Regional veterinary institute "Pozarevac".